Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reducing utilities costs

There are quite a few things that you can do to reduce your utilities costs and help you to save money at home. Some companies offer free energy audits and will come into your house and offer suggestions on how to cut your energy bills. Find a free one and book!

By utilities I mean gas, electricity, water and phone charges.

  • Turn off all appliances at the wall, do not leave on standby.
  • Hang out your washing (or use clothes rack) and only use clothes dryer in an emergency.
  • Check seals on oven and refrigerator - check optimum seal
  • Lower temperature on hot water heater to between 110-120 degrees.
  • Only run dishwasher and washing machine when the loads are full.
  • Use microwave before oven when can - save 50% in energy costs in cooking.
  • If using the oven make it worthwhile - cook several things at the same time.
  • Put the lids on saucepans when cooking - steam cooks quicker.
  • When boiling kettle, only boil the amount you need - not the whole kettle full each time.
  • Buy appliances with good energy ratings.
  • As you are reading this, how many appliances (particularly lights) are on at your house? Turn some lights off!!
  • Use long-life light bulbs as they are more energy efficient.

  • Check doors, windows, fireplaces etc for drafts and re-seal if necessary.
  • Only use bathroom fans and kitchen hoods for the shortest time necessary (they suck warm air out very quickly - e.g. bathroom fan can suck out whole house in an hour!)
  • Heat only the areas you need. Shut off the others.
  • Maintain heating systems - regularly!
  • Insulate the outside of the water heater to prevent heat loss.
  • Shorter showers can save up to 33% on the water water heating costs
  • In winter - open blinds to let sun shine DIRECTLY in and as soon as sun is gone, shut blinds.
  • Curtains (thick, insulating ones) are great for keeping heat in and cold out.
  • If 'coolish' inside, put another layer of clothes on before automatically turning heater on.

  • Awnings are a great help on the outside of a house.
  • Plant shady trees and shrubs on the side facing direct sun - can decrease cooling costs by 30%.
  • Use your ceiling fan before you go for the airconditioning.
  • 30% of the heat is absorbed by the roof - therefore make sure attics are ventilated and you have vents in eaves. (obviously shut these in winter)
  • Consider reflective tint on windows.
  • Close off rooms when not using.
  • Keep airconditioning ducts clear of furniture and curtains.
  • Turn off equipment - e.g. computer - as they generate a lot of heat.
  • Close blinds/curtains to direct sun.


  • Take shorter showers - 4 minutes should be plenty. (meditate elsewhere!) Can save up to 33% on hot water heating costs.
  • Use half flush for 'wee' (sorry)
  • Change shower head for a more environmentally friendly water saver one.
  • If you have the ability - save water from washing machine and re-use for the next load.
  • Use the correct level of water for each load - small amount of clothes - small amount of water.
  • Put grey-water (washing machine water at least) on the garden.
  • Front loading washing machines use 1/3 to 1/2 the amount of water - decreases both heating and water consumption.
  • Re-route drainpipe water back onto garden.
  • Don't rinse dishes before putting into dishwasher - use a plate scraper to remove food scraps.
  • If you really do need to rinse - put some water in sink, don't use running water.

Check junk mail/Internet/newspapers for deals on lower priced utilities.
Telephone deals are prolific.
Some utilities offer cheaper rates if used 'off peak' i.e. cheaper to do washing after 7.00pm and even cheaper after 9.00pm.

For an excellent resource I have come across on how to escape debt, live cheaply, saving money etc Click Here!

Well, I hope that this helps. As soon as I sign off and post I will think of more!

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