Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Food Preparation

It is possible to save quite a deal of money when preparing food.

Firstly, preparing in bulk is always a money saver. eg I often cook large batches of spaghetti bolognaise sauce and then freeze it in single meal containers. I try and buy the ingredients when they are on special and then by cooking a large amount it is cheaper in regard to the cooking costs. Also it is great to have them stacked in the freezer for a tired day!

Also another way of saving money is to use the cheaper cuts of meat, home brand ingredients etc. How some home brands are just awful but in our house we don't mind the pasta, milk etc. and they are so much cheaper than the alternatives.

Something which I call 'food fillers' is another way of saving money. By putting rice, bran, pasta etc in meals they make meals go further and for little extra cost. e.g. rice in tuna mornay is yummy and makes it go a long way.

Sandwich assembling in bulk is quite a money saver and also time saver. Buy the fillings when on sale and spend an evening make up a pile of them. Then into the freezer.

Obviously a theme I do return to is to shop wisely. Know your prices and buy things on sale. Make sure you use them or else they are a waste of money. Have an organised freezer and make sure you rotate the food in it.

For an excellent resource I have come across on how to escape debt, live cheaply, saving money etc Click Here!

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