Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Junk Mail saves Money

Some people view junk mail (catalogues) as a curse. I enjoy reading my junk mail and save quite a deal of money. In fact, I make a cup of tea and sit and have a good read.

When doing my food shopping I plan out my menu (see future blog for 'food shopping money saving') and then use the junk mail to find the bargains. Basically my supermarket shopping does not vary all that much from week to week, so I do know what I am going to buy. Some people go to the trouble of listing the specials at more than one supermarket and will do their shopping at 2 or even 3 supermarkets. Frankly I don't have this much time but I am sure (provided they were close by and you didn't spent all your savings on fuel) that you would save quite a bit. However, most people would need to balance this with saving their own time. So I recommend just checking which major supermarket chain that week has the most specials that are suitable to you.

Junk mail also comes from department stores etc. and this is the more fun shopping. It is always great to stock up on birthday presents and little gifts for the kids. I bought my bedroom suite (bed, side tables, tallboy, 3 wardrobes) after falling in love with it at a major department store and not being able to afford it. Several months later, in the junk mail the suite was on sale and I saved $700. Again, remember it is only a bargain if you really need it.

Electrical goods are great to find in the junk mail. You can compare prices at different stores and it cuts down on running around trying to find prices. Often one store will drop their prices to match another stores prices. So it definitely pays to take the catalogues with you when shopping around.

If you have a problem with the environmental concerns of having that much junk paper, then perhaps arrange to read your neighbour's junk mail instead.

Seriously, just keep an eye on the catalogues and you can make huge savings. Rarely do you need to pay full price for things anymore. Just wait a few weeks and somewhere it will go on sale.

For an excellent resource I have come across on how to escape debt, live cheaply, saving money etc Click Here!

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